Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience different health outcomes to non-Indigenous Australians. Not only are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples more likely to be diagnosed with cancer, but they are also likely to receive care that doesn’t meet their needs and have worse cancer outcomes.
A specific approach tailored to the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their Communities was needed. This Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan was co-designed with the ACCHO sector to change cancer experiences and create a new foundation for partnership in Australia’s national approach to cancer control.
To develop this Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan, NACCHO undertook extensive consultations with the ACCHO sector and other stakeholders across the country. Consultations highlighted the need to focus on structural reform including sustainable funding, increasing accessibility of services and ensuring mainstream cancer centres are culturally safe and responsive. NACCHO also learned from the lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, their families and Community leaders.
Culturally informed, Community-led solutions offer the greatest hope for change.
Please contact the NACCHO Cancer Team if you have any questions about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Plan cancer.team@naccho.org.au
Download Cancer Plan