Sector Grants

Indigenous Australians' Health Programme Service Maintenance Program

The Service Maintenance Program (SMP) activity supports the improvement of health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in line with the Australian Government’s commitment to strengthening the First Nations health sector. The SMP provides funding to eligible to address repairs, maintenance, and minor upgrade issues.

Locations: National

Opens: 24 June 2024

Closes: 5 August 2024

Grant Type: Infrastructure

Max. Grant: $750,000

Co-contribution: Not required but encouraged

Eligibility: ACCHOs list at Appendix A of Guidelines

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Australia Post Community Grants Program Rd 4

Australia Post Community Grants support projects that connect people and improve mental wellbeing in local communities. Local community groups create positive change in countless people’s lives. To help them deliver for their communities, we award Community Grants of up to $10,000 each year to fund community-led, local projects. To be eligible, a project must demonstrate: 

  • the primary purpose is to improve mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes of a community 
  • it will help people meaningfully connect in their local community for improved mental health and mental wellbeing outcomes 
  • it is locally led and delivered. 

Locations: National

Opens: 4 June 2024

Closes: 1 July 2024

Grant Type: Mental Health

Max. Grant: $10,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Not for profit

Agency: Australia Post

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Dementia Grants Program Rd 4

The Dementia Australia Research Foundation is providing a number of grants supporting talented new, early and mid-career researchers. 

Locations: National

Opens: 3 June 2024

Closes: 29 July 2024

Grant Type: Research

Max. Grant: Refer Agency’s website

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Refer Agency’s website

Agency: Dementia Australia

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Queensland Government Sponsorship Program (Qld Only)

This grant provides opportunities for businesses, associations, local councils and not-for-profits that deliver significant initiatives and events in Queensland can apply for sponsorship from the Queensland Government. 

Locations: QLD only

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: Sponsorship

Max. Grant:

Minor $10,000 

Major $10,000 plus 

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Refer Agency’s website. Qld only.

Agency: Queensland Government

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Major Research Grants Program Round 2

Lowitja Institute provides Major Research Grants to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations. The grant period is two years and the maximum amount available per project is $200,000. This grant opportunity specifically supports innovative and responsive community research led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of our mobs.

Locations: National

Opens: 20 May 2024

Closes: 2 August 2024

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: $200,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisation

Agency: Lowitja Institute

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Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program (WA Only)

The Department of Communities is offering one-off grant funding through the Aboriginal Family Safety Grants Program 2024 for eligible organisations to develop Aboriginal and community-led family safety activities in their region, over a period of two years. The grant program supports activities that are designed to prevent or respond to family violence and that are aligned to the Aboriginal Family Safety Strategy 2022-2032.

Locations: WA only

Opens: 13 May 2024

Closes: 2 July 2024

Grant Type: Family Violence

Max. Grant: $500,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: WA only. Must be an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) and/or a registered Aboriginal business.

Agency: WA Department of Communities

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GP Relocation and Retention Grants (NSW Only)

The GP Relocation and Retention Grants will be allocated via expression of interest from general practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) in the selected locations (below) that have secured a prospective GP. Practices may recruit final year Registrars to a permanent GP position to be eligible. Selected LGA locations: Moree Plains, Liverpool Plains, Narrabri Shire, Gwydir, Gloucester Shire, Tamworth Regional.

Locations: NSW only

Opens: Open now

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: $25,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Includes ACCHOs

Agency: NSW – Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network

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Mental Awareness Foundation Grants (QLD)

Supports those making a difference in the area of mental health.

Locations: National

Opens: Always open

Closes: N/A

Grant Type: Mental Health

Max. Grant: $300,000 per year for 3 years.

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Must be a registered charity based in Queensland.

Agency: Mental Awareness Foundation

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Gaming Community Trust Round 2 (WA Only)

Projects must demonstrate a benefit to the community, be benevolent or charitable in nature and align to one or more of the categories:

  • Disability Inclusion
  • First Nations Promotion
  • Gambling Harm Reduction

Locations: WA Only

Opens: 2 July 2024

Closes: 8 August 2024

Grant Type: Community

Max. Grant: $50,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Individuals and registered organisations (see website for details).

Agency: WA Department of Local Government, Sport & Cultural Industries

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2024 Collaborations in Health Services Research

The 2024 Collaborations in Health Services Research grant opportunity is intended to support programs of small-scale, health service-focused research projects that relate to the health system, conducted in a health service setting, by a collaboration of health services/research organisations. The strategic aim of this grant opportunity is to stimulate health services research to improve health outcomes by increasing collaboration and building research and translation capacity and competitiveness of the health services sector.

Locations: National

Opens: 12 June 2024

Closes: 18 September 2024

Grant Type: Medical Research

Max. Grant: Estimated to be up to $1 million.

Co-contribution: Expected (see guidelines)

Eligibility: Applications will only be accepted from NHMRC approved Administering Institutions. A list of NHMRC approved Administering Institutions is available at: .

Agency: National Health and Medical Research Council

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Cancer Patient Care Program Round 2

This grant opportunity seeks to ensure that all Australian’s living with cancer have access to high-quality and culturally safe support throughout their cancer experience. Acknowledging the existing national cancer screening programs and funding provided for more commonly diagnosed cancers, this grant opportunity will prioritise activities that focus on increasing equity across tumour types and/or priority populations.

The Cancer Patient Support Program (the Program) will support, one-off, time-limited activities that provide national leadership on emerging priorities across the cancer control continuum.

Locations: National


Rd 2 – 14 May 2024


Rd 2 – 18 Sept 2024

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: $1 million

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Various – includes Indigenous Corporations

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Gambling Community Benefit Fund Round 4 (QLD Only)

Allocates funding to not-for-profit community groups to help them provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities. The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program and distributes approximately $60 million each year to not-for-profit community groups. The GCBF funding helps these groups to provide services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities.

Locations: QLD Only

Opens: Open

Closes: Rd 4 – 30 Nov 2024

Grant Type: Community

Max. Grant: Rd 4 – $35,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Incorporated organisations with not for profit objectives.

Agency: QLD Department of Justice & Attorney-General

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Justice Reinvestment in Central Australia Program – Round 2 (NT Only)

The intended outcomes of this grant opportunity are:

  • to reduce contact with the criminal justice system and incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults and young people
  • strengthen community supports, treatments and diversionary measures for drug and alcohol use and addiction
  • a strong and sustainable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled sector delivering high quality services

Locations: NT

Opens: Assessment cycle 2 opens 10 May 2024.

Closes: Assessment cycle 2 closes 10 September 2024.

Grant Type: Justice

Max. Grant: $1.625 million over three years.

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Community-led initiative must be based in the Central Australia area in the Northern Territory, as described by the Northern Territory government.

Agency: Attorney-General’s Department

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Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation (NTAIC) Grants Program (NT Only)

NOTE: Current Program is closed 1 February 2024 – Program will be revised and re-open in May 2024.

The purpose of the NTAIC Grants Program is to promote self-determination and economic self-sufficiency of Aboriginal people living in the NT and to promote their social and cultural wellbeing. The NTAIC Grants Program aims to ensure:

  • Funding is provided to Aboriginal people in the NT.
  • NTAIC Grants maximise strategic opportunities and drive economic, social and cultural outcomes.

There are two streams – General Grants and Innovation Grants.

Locations: NT

Opens: “Mid 2024”

Closes: TBC

Grant Type: Various

Max. Grant: General Grants – $500,000 per year (up to $1.5 million over three years).

Innovation Grants – $10 million

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Indigenous Organisations in the NT.

Agency: NTAIC

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Youpla Group Funeral Benefits Program

The program addresses the urgent need to allow families with deceased loved ones who were insured under a Youpla Group funeral expenses policy to mourn and conduct Sorry Business with the dignity that had been intended. The program will pay a grant in place of a funeral benefit that would otherwise have been paid in response to the death of a person covered by a Youpla Group policy, where the policy was active on or after 1 April 2020, prior to the Youpla Group’s collapse.

Locations: NSW

Opens: 7 September 2023

Closes: 30 June 2024 (extended)

Grant Type: Funeral Expenses Targeted

Max. Grant: $20,000

Co-contribution: Not specified


To be eligible you must be the expected recipient of a funeral benefit of a Youpla Group policy, where the policy:

  • was active on or after 1 April 2020 and
  • insures the life of another person (the nominee) and that other person has died.

Agency: The Treasury Department

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Noongar Charitable Trust (WA Only)

Aims to support projects run by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations which offer a direct and noticeable benefit to the Noongar community.

Locations: WA

Opens: N/A

Closes: 20 July 2024

Grant Type: Community

Max. Grant: $100,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Grants will be made to incorporated, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations that are based and delivered within Noongar Community

Agency: Noongar Charitable Trust

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First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing Grants (Qld Only)

The First Nations Social and Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) Program is seeking First Nations providers to deliver a suite of trauma-informed programs to strengthen social, cultural, educational, and vocational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people experiencing vulnerability.

Locations: QLD only

Opens: June 2024

Closes: 12 July 2024

Grant Type: Mental Health & Wellbeing

Max. Grant: $400,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Incorporated organisation. Qld only.

Agency: Qld Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts

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Health Workforce Program Leaders in Indigenous Medical Education (LIME) Network Rd 1

In line with the Priority Reforms under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, the LIME program has been identified by the Department to transition to a First Nations-led organisation. The purpose of the LIME Network grant opportunity is to support quality and effective teaching of First Nations health in medical education, to promote best practice and foster stronger relationships between key organisations. The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are: 

  • increased number of First Nations medical students enrolled in tertiary medical education 
  • increased number of First Nations medical graduates 
  • increased number of mentoring opportunities for First Nations medical students 
  • increased capacity of the broader medical workforce to understand and address the needs of First Nations people 
  • increased collaboration and relationships between Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations and specialist medical colleges 

Locations: National

Opens: 29 May 2024

Closes: 10 July 2024

Grant Type: Health Workforce

Max. Grant: $2.72 million (over four years)

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: First Nations led organisation

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Stroke Foundation Grants Rd 4

These grants aim to generate new knowledge, kickstart innovative projects and provide a platform for emerging researchers to tackle evidence and implementation gaps in stroke care and excel in their stroke specialty. Seed Grants provide a platform for emerging researchers to gain grant successes and leverage these into further national and international funding, to strengthen evidence in stroke prevention, treatment and recovery, and grow researcher capacity. 

Locations: National

Opens: 6 June 2024

Closes: 1 August 2024

Grant Type: Research

Max. Grant: $80,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Refer Agency’s website, note Seed Grants focus on clinical, public health and health services research. Laboratory-based or pre-clinical research proposals are ineligible.

Agency: National Stroke Foundation

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BHP Western Australia Community Grants Program (Specific WA Regions Only)

The BHP WA Community Grants program enables positive community, environmental and economic development initiatives in BHP’s host communities that our operations, employees and their families call home. 

Locations: WA only

Opens/Closes: Refer Agency’s website

Grant Type: Community

Max. Grant: $20,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Western Australia Community Grants program supporting Port Hedland, Newman, Kalgoorlie, Kambalda, Leinster, Leonora, Wiluna and Kwinana.

Agency: BHP

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Catalyst Partnership Grants

For over 60 years, the Heart Foundation has funded the brightest minds to undertake research to improve cardiovascular health, investing more than $720 million (in today’s dollars). Catalyst Partnership Grants are a novel, collaborative way of funding innovative ideas and solutions to improve cardiovascular health in Australia. They are an exciting addition to our existing suite of grant and fellowship funding schemes. Catalyst Partnership Grants provide the opportunity to connect innovators with investors and collaborate with our extensive network to help improve the heart health of all people in Australia.

Locations: National

Opens: 27 May 2024

Closes: 5 July 2024

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: Not specified

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Open to all sectors, and levels of experience and expertise.

Agency: The Heart Foundation

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Suicide Prevention Community Grants (NT only) Round 4

Suicide prevention grants are available to deliver community-led activities that raise awareness and help keep people safe. These grants are made possible through a partnership with the Northern Territory (NT) Primary Health Network and the NT Government.

Locations: NT only

Opens: 1 May 2024

Closes: 15 June 2024

Grant Type: Suicide Prevention

Max. Grant: $10,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Registered organisations with an ABN – refer website.

Agency: NT Department of Health

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Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Ad hoc Proposals Extension

The purpose of this grant opportunity is to provide CHSP providers with an opportunity to submit ad-hoc proposals to enable them to respond to unforeseen and exceptional circumstances, address gaps in service delivery and trial and implement new and innovative service delivery models in the 2022-24 financial years.

Locations: National

Opens: Open now

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: Aged Care

Max. Grant: $250,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: To be eligible, you must have an executed Whole of Government grant agreement with the Commonwealth to deliver CHSP services that is due to expire on 30 June 2024.

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Community Benefit Fund: Major Community Grants Round 4 (NT Only)

Provides funding towards services, leisure activities and opportunities for Territorians. This Round is targeting the following priorities:

Priority 1

Applications for infrastructure improvements or asset purchases that can demonstrate an ongoing community benefit beyond the period of funding.

Priority 2

Applications that support the growth of the NT and:

– Provide multi-level stimulus through the outcome of the grant

– Also use local suppliers and contractors in the process of completing the grant

Locations: NT Only

Opens: 1 July 2024

Closes: 31 August 2024

Grant Type: Community

Max. Grant: $250,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Incorporated NT based non-profit community organisation, or an NT regional council.

Agency: Northern Territory Government

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Aged Care Capital Assistance Program Residential–based Aged Care Services Round 1

The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program (the program) provides aged care infrastructure grants aimed at maintaining or increasing access to quality aged care services in thin market settings for people:

  • from First Nations communities
  • living in regional, rural, and remote areas
  • who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
  • with other complex and diverse needs, including dementia.
  • improve viability and sustainability of service offerings.

Locations: National

Opens: 11 June 2024

Closes: 29 August 2024

Grant Type: Aged Care

Max. Grant: Not specified (total funding available of $200m across the program).

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: To be eligible you must be an approved as a provider of aged care in respect of residential care and/or flexible care under the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018.

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Local Investments Funding Grant Opportunity

The Local Investments Funding Grant Opportunity enables strategic and rapid response to address local issues to benefit First Nations people and facilitate improved community and government engagement.  The objective of a Local Investments Funding grant is to deliver outcomes, aligned to community needs government priorities and Closing the Gap targets by providing funding of no more than $100,000 (GST exclusive).

Locations: National

Opens: Open now

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: Indigenous

Max. Grant: $100,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Applicants must be invited to apply by NIAA.

Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency

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Aged Persons Welfare Foundation Grants Rd 2

Provides financial support and encouragement to organisations throughout Australia devoted to improving the welfare and quality of life of elderly people. They may be living in nursing homes, hostels, retirement villages or in their own homes.

Locations: National

Opens: Open

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: Aged Care

Max. Grant: Not specified

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Organisations with (DGR 1) – Deductible Gift Recipient 1 status.

Agency: Aged Persons Welfare Foundation

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Indigenous Australians' Health Programme Northern Territory Pathways to Community Control (NT Only)

This grant opportunity enables the awarding of grants under the Pathways to Community Control (P2CC) program. The purpose of this grant opportunity is to support an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCHO) to transition health service delivery to Aboriginal community control under the P2CC Program and specifically targets ACCHOs in the Northern Territory. The grant supports the planning and implementation of the transition.

Locations: National

Opens: Open now

Closes: 30 June 2024

Grant Type: ACCHO Support

Max. Grant: See guidelines

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: To be eligible you must be the organisation/s invited to be considered by the Commonwealth Department of Health.  See Guidelines for further details. 

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Forecast Opportunity for the funding of Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Treatment Services (SA, QLD and WA only)

This is a grant opportunity to develop community-led design and delivery of alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services across the four regions. Funding of up to $49 million (GST exclusive) will be distributed to implement this project over an initial period of two years, with the option to extend for a further two years at the discretion of Commonwealth. The grant will be delivered in two stages:

Stage One – (purpose of these GOGs) to identify and engage a locally based Brokerage Organisation in each region with strong local connections, who will partner with community organisations to develop a Community Design Plan in response to AOD related needs.

Stage Two – (implementation) to enable eligible organisations to apply for funding to deliver projects that will implement the Community Design Plan.

Locations: Regions of Ceduna (SA), Bundaberg-Hervey Bay (QLD), East Kimberley and the Goldfields (WA)

Opens: January 2024

Closes: June 2024

Grant Type: The Drug and Alcohol Program

Max. Grant: $49 million

Eligibility: Not-for-profits

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS): Support for Community Sector Organisations (National)

NIAA has been allocated $190 million over four years (2022-23 to 2025-26), to support Community Sector Organisations (CSOs) already receiving an Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) grant for an eligible activity. The purpose of this funding is to support these organisations at need of funding supplementation due to additional staff wages pressures and high inflations rates.

Locations: National

Opens: 12 May 2023

Closes: 30 June 2026

Grant Type: CSO Support

Max. Grant: Unspecified

Co-contribution: Variable – see section 3.1 of Guidelines

Eligibility: Complex – see sections 2 and 4 of the guidelines. The additional funding is only to be provided to CSOs which were already receiving an IAS grant when the measure was announced, and which may be managing financial sustainability issues as a result of the Fair Work Commission’s minimum wage decision and/or higher inflation outcomes.

Agency: National Indigenous Australians Agency

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Rural Procedural Grants Program (National)

This program aims to support procedural GPs who work in rural and remote areas to:

  • improve or extend current skill levels
  • ensure they have the skills to provide high-quality services
  • comply with the professional development requirements of their GP college.

This helps ensure people in rural and remote areas have access to highly skilled health professionals. Helps cover the cost of professional development for procedural general practitioners (GPs) who work in rural and remote areas. The RPGP provides grants of up to $32,000 to rural GPs and locums who provide procedural services. This helps with the cost of attending continuing professional development activities, to maintain or increase their procedural and emergency medicine skills (including emergency mental health).

Locations: National

Opens: Always open

Closes: N/A

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: $32,000

Co-contribution: Not specified

Eligibility: Must be a GP working in a MMM 3-7 region. Please see section 6 of the Guidelines.

Agency: Department of Health and Aged Care

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Disaster Recovery Quick Response Grants (National)

Assists any Indigenous corporation whose property has been directly affected by a declared natural disaster, such as a flood, bushfire, or cyclone.

The funding can be used for immediate clean up your property, work to make your property safe and purchase plant and equipment to assist with recovery efforts.

Please note: the funding does not cover repair and replacement of items that are covered under existing insurance policies unless there is a clear and urgent health and safety risk to humans and livestock or any work that has already occurred.

Locations: National

Opens: Always open

Closes: N/A

Grant Type: Health

Max. Grant: $20,000

Co-contribution: Unspecified

Eligibility: Indigenous corporations (incorporated) may be eligible for assistance through the program if:

  • Their property is within a State or Territory declared natural disaster area.
  • They require immediate assistance to make their property safe to access.

Agency: Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation

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