3 October, 2023

Health Promotions Officer

The Health Promotion function is a part of Wurli Strategic plan and vision to develop and deliver a consistent approach to health promotion across all areas of the organisation for the Wurli wider community. Lead by a Health Promotion Coordinator this service unit will be required to work in a collaborative manner across the Primary Health Service and Community Services sector of our business to provide effective health promotion and education to our people.

The Health Promotion Officer role supports the Health Promotion Coordinator in the implementation of effective health promotion interventions and capacity building strategies in accordance with the priority health and wellbeing issues within the Katherine Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

  • Work with the community to create and implement a one year program of events, activities and workshops to assist engage youth age (12-24’s) in looking after their health and welfare and that of the community
  • Work in a community development context to develop, facilitate and implement youth inspired opportunities for safe, cultural, health and recreational activities with a focus on encouraging community life participation and connectedness.